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Interpreting Ayo

I was brought into the project to bring a new and young perspective on creating an interpretive plan.

I had a lot to learn, and the first part was learning what exactly an interpretive plan is. I have learned that it is a plan used in places such as museums, zoos, botanical gardens, and parks where you can learn information more informally.

I’ve been involved in either attending vacation camp or later volunteering at the National Archeological Museum since I was very young, so I had been around when the museum was moving to the location it is now, but I did not realize how much work was involved in creating the experience inside the location. While working on an interpretive plan for Ayo is a smaller project than a whole museum, there is still much effort required in creating an interpretive plan.

Many things must be considered when developing an interpretive plan such as the type of information given, how it is given, where to put the information, and to what extent is it changing the location. Various groups must be consulted for their expertise and knowledge. These are called stakeholders many interests are represented in these groups such as natural & cultural heritage preservation, educational (school trips), public space, tourist attractions, etc. These stakeholders can have varying opinions even within that group but there are also general opinions that form a consensus to continue. There is a lot of research that has been done that can be used to shape some of the plans. Also, there are international standards that are used that most people are familiar with, so the general intention is understood. At Ayo, most stakeholder groups expressed a general desire to keep the location as natural as possible and not put large obstructions that would take away from enjoying the natural surroundings.

Arriving at the information to be provided on the informational signs placed on location was a welcome challenge. The audience needs clear and concise information so that most would understand the information being told and find it engaging. Evaluating how the topics covered such as history, geology, contemporary information, etc. are presented and at the right locations is crucial to the interpretive plan. Much thought went into the method of presenting the topic of geology is a very specialized topic that needs to be presented in an understandable way for the public, as that is part of the main attraction. Finding out what are the latest updates in research on Ayo is important so that the information provided is up to date. Using modern technology was also considered as there are now new ways through QR codes for example, that can keep information updated and is a means to provide more experiences for the public. Choosing what information is printed on the signs versus what information is given through QR codes had to be considered.

There are various factors taken into consideration when creating an interpretive plan, which takes more time than expected. There is a lot of input needed to make an interpretive plan that works for everyone. Nevertheless, there is a point where the planning part needs to be done and the implementation of the interpretive plan begins. The Ayo interpretive plan is closer to completion. I have learned a lot so far from this process and will take these skills to any future projects I will work on in life. Please come back for the next blog which will be my last one.

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